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Standing Seam Metal Roofing Fabricators in Roseville, IL

We are artisan craftsmen and work exclusively with Masterpiece Metal Panels, a locally owned business offering quality materials for seamless metal roofing panels in more than 40 colors. Through on-site roll forming, we can create them in lengths to fit your needs. Nothing looks or lasts like a standing seam metal roof from Sunset Metal Roofing.

group of roofings discussing the building blueprint

Why Is a Standing Seam Roof the Best Choice for Your Customer?

There are countless benefits of a standing seam metal roof. Most importantly, this type of roof lasts two to three times longer than a traditional asphalt roof. They need less maintenance and are harder to damage. Many concerns are gone when you have metal roofing. No need to worry about rot, termites, or fire damage. Metal roofing reduces or eliminates the risk of these common issues. Before picking standing seam metal roofing, the only concern you should have is which color you want!

How Does It Work?

We have an entire crew that installs metal roofs, we also work with roofing contractors and all panels are roll-formed on-site. We offer 40 plus different colors to choose from with the option of textured or smooth paint. There is a 40-year plus limited paint warranty for all standard colors. All panels are roll-formed at the job site. There is no plastic in the panels and custom trim is created to fit all of your needs. All panels are 26 ga metal. The standard panel offered is a classic 1” rib, 16’’standing seam panel. This panel is easy to trim, easy to install, and gives a cleaner and fastener-free look.

Get a Free Quote Today!

We offer free quotes for all standing seam metal roofing work. Whether you are working on a single home or a series of projects, we are eager to work with you. Our years of experience have shown us the amazing results that our fabrication process can provide. When we help you, nothing stops us from delivering ultimate satisfaction to the customer. We also keep overhead low to provide custom fabricated standing seam metal roofing panels at the lowest price possible. Call us today for your free quote.

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